教育经历1993年9月-1997年7月 兰州大学 学士 1997年9月-2002年7月 兰州大学 博士 工作经历2002年7月-2004年7月 中国科学院物理所凝聚态理论与计算实验室,北京 2004年8月-2007年8月 Max-Plank Institute for Solid State Research,Stuttgart, Germany 2007年起 beat·365(亚洲版)官方网站-Unique Mobile Platform 副教授 2013年3月-2013年7月 加拿大McGill大学物理系访问学者 个人简介谢文辉长期在量子材料和器件等领域研究,在兰州大学磁学与磁性材料教育部重点实验室获得博士学位,随后到北京中科院物理所和德国马普固体物理研究所做博士后,2007年到beat365手机官方网站纳光电集成与先进装备教育部工程研究中心任职。2008年内获得了上海市青年科技启明星人才计划(A类)的资助,在国家自然科学基金和上海市科委基金的支持下,面向国家在电子和能源领域的需求,围绕电子材料和器件应用开展研究工作。在过去的科研工作中,致力于解释新颖实验现象,挖掘性能优良的自旋电子学材料,开展计算新方法研究。 社会兼职研究方向Welcome to the Electronic Structure Calculations (ESC) Group. We study the physics and chemistry of materials using first-principles and atomistic computational methods coupled with high-performance computing technology. Our main tools are density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD), as well as machine learning (ML) and high-thoughput computing (HTC) methods. We are using first-princeple eletronic structure calculation to investigate magnetic, electronic, thermodynamic, and spectroscopic properties of electronic materials and sensor devices, furthermore, computationally design innovative electronic device and technologies broadly spanning materials and molecules in solids, surface and interfaces. We focus on the advance matertial for spintronic, energy applications, heterogeneous catalysis or novel architectures: (i) searching the novel materials for prospective technological applications. (ii) simulations of novel materials and the devices. (iii) understanding the related physics and chemistry, especially the elctronic correlation in these materials. Our research group always focused on understanding the mechanism of novel quantum phenomenon, and reactions of surface physics and chemistry, which is used to predict emerging spintronics or green chemistry, for developing advanced functional devices and sustainable energy technologies, including following fields: 1. Emerging quantum materials:the understanding of quantum materials, the play of different degree. 2. Surface and interface: nanoscale material on surface and interface, simulation of catalysis. 3. Machine learning and code development:application of Machine learning in physics and chemistry. 招生与培养开授课程承担物理和电子科学学院的研究生和本科生的骨干课程教学。主讲《固体物理》、《计算物理》、《材料物性的模拟和计算》、《固体的能带理论和电子性质》《高等固体物理》等课程。 科研项目主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金和省部级的重点和面上基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年项目:用NMTO方法研究强关联电子系统的物性 国家自然科学基金面上项目:钙钛矿氧化物异质结中原子无序对磁电性能的影响 上海市科委科技重点项目(参与):可控表面囚禁分子阵列的量子信息操控 上海市科委科技项目:运用第一原理方法研究和探索钙钛矿半金属复合材料 上海市科委科技项目:二维半导体材料与器件的界面物性及输运性质研究 学术成果1.W. H. Xie, Y. Q. Xu, B. G. Liu and D. G. Pettifor, Physical Review Letters91, 037204 (2003), Half-metallic ferromagnetism and structural stability of zincblende phases of the transition-metal chalcogenides. 2.W. H. Xie and B. G. Liu, Journal of Physics-condensed Matter15, 5085 (2003), Half-metallic ferromagnetism in vanadium chalcogenides. 3.W. H. Xie, Y. Q. Xu, B. G. Liu and D. G. Pettifor, Physical Review B68,134407 (2003), Half-metallic ferromagnetism in transition metal pnictides and chalcogenides with wurtzite structure. 4.W. H. Xie, B. G. Liu, Journal of Applied Physics96, 3559 (2004), Half-metallic ferromagnetism in ternary transition-metal compounds based on ZnTe and CdTe semiconductors. 5.Y. H. Zhao, W. H. Xie, L. F. Zhu, B. G. Liu,Journal of Physics-condensed Matter18, 10259 (2006),Half-metallic ferromagnets based on the rock-salt IV-VI semiconductor GeTe. 6.W. H. Xie, O. Jepsen, O. K. Andersen, Y. L. Chen and Z-X Shen, Physical Review Letters98,047001 (2007),Insights from ARPES for an undoped, four-layered, two-gap high-Tcsuperconductor. 7.J. S. Kim, W. H. Xie, R. K. Kremer, O. Jepsen and A. Simon, Physical Review B, 76, 014516 (2007), Strong electron-phonon coupling in the rare-earth carbide superconductor La 8.O. P. Sushkov, W. H. Xie, O. Jepsen, O. K. Andersen, G. A. Sawatzky,Physical Review B77, 035124 (2008), Anisotropies in insulating La2-xSrxCuO4: angular resolved photoemission and optical absorption. 9.W. H. Xie, Mingli Bao, Zhenjie Zhao, Bang-Gui Liu, Physical Review B79, 115128 (2009),First-principles investigation of effect of pressure on BaFe2As2. 10.Fu Zheng, Xuan Wang, Xu Li, Jianmin Bai, Dan Wei, Xiaoxi Liu, Wenhui Xie, and Fulin We, J. Appl. Phys.109, 07B509 (2011), High Frequency Characteristics of FeCoAlO Thin Films Combined the Effects of Stress and Magnetic Field 11.Min Zhu, Yong Lin, Edward W. C. Lo, Qiong Wang, Zhengjie Zhao, and Wenhui Xie, Appl. Phys. Lett.100, 062406 (2012), Electronic and magnetic properties of La2NiMnO6 and La2CoMnO6 with cationic ordering 12.Xiaofeng Wang, Sumei Huang and Wenhui Xie, J. Appl. Phys.112, 023701 (2012) 13.Juan Huang, Wenhui Xie and Xiaohong Li,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 364, 1 (2014)The stability, magnetism and electronic structure of Fe15TMN2 and Fe14TM2N2 (TM=Cr, Mn, Co, and Ni) 14.H. J. Mao, Y. F. Wei, Hong, Gui, Z. J. Zhao and W. H. Xie, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 213910 (2014) First-principle investigations of K2NiF4-type double perovskite oxides La4B′B″O8 (B′B″ = Fe, Co, Ni) 15.Wei, Yingfen; Gui, Hong; Li, Xin; Zhao, Zhenjie; Zhao, Yong-Hong; Xie, Wenhui; JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 27 206001 (2015) The effect of hydrogen ordering on the electronic and magnetic properties of the strontium vanadium oxyhydride 16.Gui, Hong; Li, Xin; Lv Wenxing; Zhao, Zhenjie; Xie, Wenhui; JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 45, 4843-4846 (2015) Structural and Electronic Properties of Sr2CoO2Cl2 17.Gui, Hong; Wei, Yinfen, Mao Hejie, Li, Xin; Zhao, Zhenjie; Xie, Wenhui; EPL 110, 37006 (2015) Magnetic and optical anisotropy in the infinite-chains iron oxide Sr2FeO3: A first-principle investigation 18.Gui, Hong; Li, Xin; Zhao, Zhenjie; Xie, Wenhui;JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 49, 055303(2016)Pressure-induced structural and magnetic transitions in the infinite-chains iron oxide Sr2FeO3: a first-principle investigation 19.Han, Y; Li, X; Lv, WX; Xie, WH; Zhao, Q; Zhao, ZJ; JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 678, 494-498 (2016) Magnetoimpedance effect of FINEMET ribbons coated with Fe20Ni80 permalloy film 20.Wang, Ze-Lian; Xie, Wen-Hui; Zhao, Yong-Hong; FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS 12 127103 (2017) Tunable band structure and effective mass of disordered chalcopyrite 21.Wang, Busheng; Lu, Qing; Ge, Yanfeng; Zhang, Kaicheng; Xie, Wenhui; Liu, Wu-Ming; Liu, Yong; Physical Review B, 96 134116 (2017) Magnetic diversity in stable and metastable structures of CrAs 22.Pan, Huiyan; Li, Junrui; Lu, Jiqing; Wang, Guimei; Xie, Wenhui; Wu, Peng; Li, Xiaohong; JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 354, 24-36 (2017) Selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde with PtFex/Al2O3@SBA-15 catalyst: Enhancement in activity and selectivity to unsaturated alcohol by Pt-FeOx and Pt-Al2O3@SBA-15 interaction 23.Pan, H. L; Li, X; Zhang, Q; Wang, JT; Xie, WH; Zhao, ZJ; JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 50 305002 (2017) Dipole-dipole interaction in electronic article surveillance system 24.Guo, Lingxia; Shi, Yuchen; Liu, Xiangfei; Han, Zhitao; Zhao, Zhenjie; Chen, Yong; Xie, Wenhui; Li, Xin; BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 99, 368 (2018) Enhanced fluorescence detection of proteins using ZnO nanowires integrated inside microfluidic chips 25.Xie, WJ; Zhou, JP; Huang, SM; Ou-Yang, W; Xie, WH; Sun, Z; Chen, XH;ORGANIC ELECTRONICS,VOL.59, IS., P.272-278 (2018) Plasmon-enhanced perovskite solar cells using ultra-thin LiF spacer isolating AgAl and Au composite nanoparticles from metal electrode 26.Yu Li, Qianqian Wang, Wenhui Xie and Yifeng Yang, Physical Review B, 100, 085132 (2019) Nearly degenerate p(x) + ip(y) and dx2-y2 pairing symmetry in the heavy fermion superconductor YbRh2Si2 27.Hu, Xiao; Zhang, Yaqiong; Fan, Shuaiyu; Li, Xin; Zhao, Zhenjie; He, Chao; Zhao, Yonghong; Liu, Yong; Xie, Wenhui; Journal of Physics-condensed Matter, 32 205901 (2020) Searching high spin polarization ferromagnet in Heusler alloy via machine learning
荣誉及奖励上海市青年科技启明星人才计划 2017年优秀研究生教学奖 |