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1996/091999/07,新疆大学,物理系,材料物理专业,研究生/硕士 导师:郑毓峰教授,马忠权教授。








主要从事过的科研工作有:多元太阳能薄膜电池的合成与性能研究;硅基纳米发光材料的发光性质研究,应用于红外辐射阻断和隔热的光子晶体材料,硅微通道板的研制和应用,热电材料器件设计,基于硅(碳)微纳结构的绿色微能源器件等。目前已在Electrochimica Acta , J. App. Phys.,等学术期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇。







1.上海市自然科学基金项目,硅微通道板热电效应及制冷器件研究, 2011/04 – 2014/03,10万元,已结题,主持

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,61176108 具有高容量快速充电特性的三维结构薄膜Li离子电池研制,2012/01-2015/12,65万元,已结题,参与

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50672027 光子晶体材料应用于红外辐射阻断和隔热的探索,2007/01-2009/12, 29万元,已结题,参与

4.上海市基础重点项目,11JC1403700,硅微通道板应用于锂离子电池负极研究, 2012/01-2014/12,30万元,已结题,参与

5. 上海市基础重点项目,08JC1408900,大面积硅微通道材料的结构修饰及性能研究,2008/10-2010/9,30万元,已结题,参与



1. Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Lianwei Wang, Pingxiong Yang, Paul K. Chu, Zinc Electrodeposition on Polycrystalline Copper: Electrochemical Study of Early-Stage Growth Mechanism, J. Phys. Chem. C, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12036

2. Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Lianwei Wang, Pingxiong Yang, and Paul K. Chu, Electrochemical analysis of interface adsorption phenomena on three-dimensional nano-nickel electrode deposited on silicon microchannel plate, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 194: 253–262.

3. Shaohui Xu, Jiabing Fang, Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Lianwei Wang, Pingxiong Yang and Paul K Chu, Study on the strain in a silicon microchannel plate by micro-Raman analysis, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 2016, 31: 055010 (9pp)

4. Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Wenchao Zhang, Lianwei Wang, Pingxiong Yang, Paul K. ChuElectrochemical investigation of the corrosion properties of three-dimensional nickel electrodes on silicon microchannel plates Corrosion Science, 2015, 100: 113–120

5. Shaohui Xu, Mai Li, Yiping Zhu, Lianwei Wang, Pingxiong Yang, Paul K. Chu, Impedance study of adsorption phenomena on three-dimensional nano-nickel electrode deposited on silicon microchannel plate, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 132: 165171

6. Shaohui Xu, Qiang Chen, Yiping Zhu, Lianwei Wang, Lirong Zheng, and Paul K. ChuModeling and optimization of thermoelements by a combined analytical and numerical methodJournal of Electronic Materials, 2014, 43: 404-413

7. Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Lianwei Wang, Pingxiong Yang, Paul K. Chu, Photonic quantum well composed of photonic crystal and quasicrystal, Optics Communications, 2014, 313: 369–374

8. Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Lianwei Wang, Pingxiong Yang, and Paul K. Chu, Passband and defective bands inphotonic and quasi-crystals, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2014, 31:664-671

9. RenweiTan,DajunWu,ShaohuiXu*, YipingZhu, DayuanXiong, Lianwei Wang, PingxiongYang, Paul K. Chu, Electrochemicalcharacteristicsofnano-grapheneonamacroporous electrically conductivenetworkpreparedbyhydrothermal carbonization, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 215 : 515-524.

10. Yuwei Xu, Shaohui Xu*, Mai Li, Yiping Zhu, Lianwei Wang*, Paul K. Chu, Electrodeposition of nanostructured MnO2 electrode on three-dimensional nickel/silicon microchannel plates for miniature supercapacitors, Materials Letters, 2014, 126: 116–118

11. 徐冰茹,徐少辉*,王连卫, 一维多孔硅声子晶体的带隙研究, 人工晶体学报,2012, 41:1440-1445



1. Xin Tong,Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Kenan Lian, Dayuan Xiong, Shaohui Xu,Yiping Zhu, Ruijuan Qi, Rong Huang, Lianwei Wang and Paul K. Chu, Three-dimensional tetsubo-like Co(OH)2 nanorods on a macroporous electrically conductive network as an efficient electroactive framework for the hydrogen evolution reaction, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5: 2629-2639.

2. Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Pingsheng Guo, Yishan Wu, Ruijuan Qi, Rong Huang, Lianwei Wang , Paul K. Chu, Nitrogen-doped multilayered nanographene derived from Ni3C with efficient electron field emission, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4: 9251-9260.

3. Dajun Wu, Shaohui Xu, Chi Zhang, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Rong Huang, Ruijuan Qi, Lianwei Wang and Paul K. ChuThree-dimensional homo-nanostructured MnO2/nanographene membranes on a macroporous electrically conductive network for high performance supercapacitors J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 411317-11329

4. Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Lianwei Wang , Paul K. Chu Fabrication and enhanced supercapacitance of hollow nanostructured MoS2 prepared by a CATB-assisted hydrothermal process Materials Letters1 20168496–99

5. Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Cheng Liang, Yiping Zhu, Shaohui Xu, Dayuan Xiong, Shaolin Xue, Lianwei Wang, Paul K. Chu, Preparation of multi-layer graphene on nickel coated silicon microchannel plates by hydrothermal carbonization procedure and its improved field emission properties,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4: 2079—2087.

6. Cheng Liang, Leilei Chen, Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang, Paul K. Chu, Hybrid Co(OH)2/nano-graphene/Ni nano-composites on silicon microchannel plates for miniature supercapacitors, Materials Letters, 2016, 176:40-43.

7. Dajun Wu, Shaohui Xu, Mai Li, Chi Zhang, Yiping Zhu, Yuwei Xu, Weiwei Zhang, Rong Huang, Ruijuan Qi, Lianwei Wang and Paul K. ChuHybrid MnO2/C nano-composites on a macroporous electrically conductive network for supercapacitor electrodes, J. Mater. Chem. A 2015, 3: 16695-16707

8. Mai Li, Shaohui Xu, Christopher Cherry, Yiping Zhu, Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Xiaolin Zhang, Rong Huang, Ruijuan Qi, Lianwei Wang and Paul K. Chu, Hierarchical 3-dimensional CoMoO4 nanoflakes on a macroporous electrically conductive network with superior electrochemical performance, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3: 13776-13785.

9. Mai Li, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Yuwei Xu, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang and Paul K.Chu, Three-dimensional nanoscale Co3O4 electrode on ordered Ni/Si microchannel plates for electrochemical supercapacitors, Materials Letters, 2014, 132: 405–408.

10. Y. W. Xu, S. H. Xu, M. Li, Y. P. Zhu, L. J. Zhou, L. W. Wang and P. K. Chu Electronic double layer supercapacitor based on three-dimensional silicon microchannel plates in organic electrolyte Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19: 303-309.

11. Mai Li, Shaohui Xu, Christopher Cherry, Yiping Zhu, Rong Huang, Ruijuan Qi, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang, Paul K. Chu, Asymmetrical Supercapacitor Composed of Thin Co(OH)2 Nanoflakes on Three-Dimensional Ni/Si Microchannel Plates with Superior Electrochemical Performance, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 149: 18–27

12. Mai Li, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wanga, Paul K. Chu, Heterostructured Ni(OH)2-Co(OH)2 composites on 3D ordered Ni-Co nanoparticles fabricated on microchannel plates for advanced miniature supercapacitor Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 589: 364-371

13. Fei Wang, Shanshan Zhu, Mai Li, Xuefeng Lou, Keshuang Hui, Shaohui Xu, Pingxiong Yang,Lianwei Wang, Yiwei Chen, Paul K. Chu, Anode properties and morphology evolution of three-dimensional lithium-ionbattery electrodes comprising Ni-coated Si microchannel plates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 563: 186-191

14. Mai Li, Shaohui Xu, Tao Liu, Fei Wang, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang and Paul K. Chu, Electrochemically-deposited nanostructured Co(OH)2 flakes on three-dimensional ordered nickel/silicon microchannel plates for miniature supercapacitorsJ. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1: 532-540

15. Fei Wang, Shaohui Xu, Shanshan Zhu, Hui Peng, Rong Huang, Lianwei Wang,Xiaohua Xie, Paul K. Chu, Ni-coated Si microchannel plate electrodes in three-dimensional lithium-ion battery anodes, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 87: 250-255

16. Tao Liu, Shaohui Xu, Lianwei Wang, Junhao Chu, Qingjiang Wang, Xiangrong, Zhu, Naici Bing, Paul K. Chu, Miniature Supercapacitors Composed of Nickel/Cobalt Hydroxide on Nickel-Coated Silicon Microchannel Plates, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21: 19093-19100

17. Ci Pengliang, Shi Jing, Wang Fei, Xu Shaohui,Yang Zhenya, Yang Pingxiong, Wang Lianwei,Gao Chen, and Paul K. Chu, Peltier effect in doped silicon microchannel plates, Journal of Semiconductors, 2011, 32: 122003-1-4

18. Pengliang Ci, Jing Shi, Fei Wang, Shaohui Xu, Zhenya Yang, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang, Paul K. Chu, Novel thermoelectric materials based on boron-doped silicon microchannel plates, Materials Letters, 2011, 65: 1618-1620.

19. Ci Pengliang, Shi Jing, Wang Fei, Xu Shaohui,Yang Zhenya, Yang Pingxiong, Wang Lianwei and Paul K. Chu, Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Microchannel Plates as Temperature-Sensing Materials, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2011, 40: 2363-2367


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