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Main awards:

2005, The first award for the progress of science and technology by Shanghai government.( Line 9)(上海市科技进步一等奖(排名第9)高端硅基SOI材料研究和产业化)

2006, The first award for the progress of science and technology by the Peoples’ Republic of China,(Line 11) (国家科技进步一等奖(排名第11)高端硅基SOI材料研发和产业化)

List of Publications




1.Chi Zhang,Dajun Wu,Xin Tong,Yiping Zhu,*Shaohui Xu,Dayuan Xiong, Pingsheng Guo,Yishan Wu,Ruijuan Qi,Rong Huang,Lianwei Wang, * Shaoqiang Chen and Paul K. Chu Highly efficient field emission from ZnO nanorods and nanographene hybrids on a macroporous electric conductive networkJ. Mater. Chem. C ,2017, 5 ,9296

2.Yue Fu, Xinyao Yue, Liang Pan, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Lianwei Wang*,, Paul K. Chu, Three-dimensional CoMoO4 nanorods/nanographene composites on a Ni coated macroporous electrically conductive network with excellent electrochemical performance, Materials Science & Engineering B 226 (2017) 177–187

3.Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Lianwei Wang and Paul K. Chu, Fabrication and enhanced supercapacitance of hollow nanostructured MoS2 prepared by a CATB-assisted hydrothermal process, Mater. Lett., 2016, 184 96-99

4.Dajun Wu, Shaohui Xu, Chi Zhang, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Rong Huang, Ruijuan Qi, Lianwei Wang and Paul K. Chu, Three-dimensional homo-nanostructured MnO2/nanographene membranes on a macroporous electrically conductive network for high performance supercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 411317-11329.

5.Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Pingsheng Guo, Yishan Wu, Ruijuan Qi, Rong Huang, Lianwei Wang and Paul K. Chu, Nitrogen-doped multilayered nanographene derived from Ni3C with efficient electron field emission, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 49251-9260.

6.Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Cheng Liang, Yiping Zhu, Shaohui Xu, Dayuan Xiong, Shaolin Xue, Lianwei Wang, Paul K. Chu, Preparation of multi-layer graphene on nickel coated silicon microchannel plates by hydrothermal carbonization procedure and its improved field emission properties, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4: 2079—2087.

7.Cheng Liang, Leilei Chen, Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Shaohui Xu, Yiping Zhu, Dayuan Xiong, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang, Paul K. Chu, Hybrid Co(OH)2/nano-graphene/Ni nano-composites on silicon microchannel plates for miniature supercapacitors, Materials Letters, 2016, 176:40-43.

8.Dajun Wu, Shaohui Xu, Mai Li, Chi Zhang, Yiping Zhu, Yuwei Xu, Weiwei Zhang, Rong Huang, Ruijuan Qi, Lianwei Wang* and Paul K. Chu, Hybrid MnO2/C nano-composites on a macroporous electrically conductive network for supercapacitor electrodes, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3:16695-16707

9.Mai Li, Shaohui Xu, Christopher Cherry, Yiping Zhu, Dajun Wu, Chi Zhang, Xiaolin Zhang, Rong Huang, Ruijuan Qi, Lianwei Wang* and Paul K. Chu, Hierarchical 3-dimensional CoMoO4 nanoflakes on a macroporous electrically conductive networkwith superior electrochemical performance, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3: 13776-13785

10.Y. W. Xu, S. H. Xu, M. Li, Y. P. Zhu, L. J. Zhou, L. W. Wang* and P. K. ChuElectronic double layer supercapacitor based on three-dimensional silicon microchannel plates in organic electrolyte , Materials Research Innovations 2015, 19: 303-309

11.Mai Li, Shaohui Xu, Christopher Cherry, Yiping Zhu, Rong Huang, Ruijuan Qi, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang* , Paul K. Chu, Asymmetrical Supercapacitor Composed of Thin Co(OH)2 Nanoflakes on Three-Dimensional Ni/Si Microchannel Plates with Superior Electrochemical Performance, Electrochimica Acta 2014, 149: 18–27

12.Mai Li, ShaohuiXu, YipingZhu, YuweiXu, PingxiongYang, LianweiWang* , PaulK.Chu, Three-dimensionalnanoscaleCo3O4 electrodeonorderedNi/Si microchannel plates for electrochemical supercapacitors, MaterialsLetters 2014, 132: 405–408

13.Yuwei Xu, Shaohui Xu, Mai Li , Yiping Zhu, Lianwei Wang*, Paul K. Chu, Electrodeposition of nanostructured MnO2 electrode on three-dimensional nickel/silicon microchannel plates for miniature supercapacitors, Materials Letters 2014, 126: 116–118

14.Mai Li , Shaohui Xu , Yiping Zhu , Pingxiong Yang , Lianwei Wang*, Paul K. Chu, Heterostructured Ni(OH)2–Co(OH)2 composites on 3D ordered Ni–Co nanoparticles fabricated on microchannel plates for advanced miniature supercapacitor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014, 589: 364–371

15.Fei Wang, Shaohui Xu, Shanshan Zhu, Hui Peng, Rong Huang, Lianwei Wang, Xiaohua Xie, Paul K. Chu, Ni-coated Si microchannel plate electrodes in three-dimensional lithium-ion battery anodes, Electrochimica Acta 2013, 87: 250– 255

16.Fei Wang, Shanshan Zhu, Mai Li, Xuefeng Lou, Keshuang Hui, Shaohui Xu, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang* , Yiwei Chen, Paul K. Chu Anode properties and morphology evolution of three-dimensional lithium-ion battery electrodes comprising Ni-coated Si microchannel platesJournal of Alloys and Compounds 2013, 563: 186–191

17.Mai Li,Shaohui Xu, Tao Liu,,Fei Wang, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang* and Paul K. Chu, Electrochemically-deposited nanostructured Co(OH)2 flakes on three-dimensional ordered nickel/silicon microchannel plates for miniature supercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1: 532-540

18.Bobo Peng, Fei Wang, Tao Liu, Zhenya Yang, Lianwei Wang*, Ricky K.Y. Fu, and Paul K. ChuNovel method of separating macroporous arrays from p-type silicon substrate, Journal of Semiconductors 2012, 33(4): 043004-(1-4)

19.Pengliang Ci, Jing Shi, Fei Wang,Shaohui Xu, Zhenya Yang, PingxiongYang, Lianwei Wang* & Paul K. Chu Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Microchannel Plates as Temperature-Sensing Materials, Journal of Elec Materi 2011,40:2363-2367

20.Tao Liu, Shaohui Xu, Lianwei Wang*, Junhao Chu, Qingjiang Wang, Xiangrong, Zhu, Naici Bing, Paul K. Chu, Miniature Supercapacitors Composed of Nickel/Cobalt Hydroxide on Nickel-Coated Silicon Microchannel Plates, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21: 19093-19100

21.Jing Shi, Pengliang Ci, Fei Wang, Hui Peng, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang*, Shuli Ge, Qingjiang Wang, Paul K. Chu, Nonenzymatic Glucose Sensor Based on Over-Oxidized Polypyrrole Modified Pd/Si Microchannel Plate ElectrodeBiosensors and Bioelectronics 2011, 26: 2579–2584

22.Jing Shi, Pengliang Ci, Fei Wang, Hui Peng, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang*, Qingjiang Wang and Paul K. Chu, Pd/Ni/Si-microchannel-plate-based amperometric sensor for ethanol detectionElectrochimica Acta, 2011, 56: 4197–4202

23.Tao Liu, Huayan Zhang, Fei Wang, Jing Shi, Pengliang Ci, Lianwei Wang*, Shuli Ge, Qingjiang Wang, Paul K. Chu Three-dimensional supercapacitors composed of Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 (BST) /NiSi2/silicon microchannel platesMaterials Science and Engineering B . 2011,176: 387–392

24.Pengliang Ci, Jing Shi, Fei Wang, Shaohui Xu, Zhenya Yang, Pingxiong Yang, Lianwei Wang*, Paul K. Chu, Novel thermoelectric materials based on boron-doped silicon microchannel plates, Materials Letters 2011, 65: 1618–1620

25.Fengjuan Miao, Bairui Tao, Li Sun, Tao Liu, Jinchuan You, Lianwei Wang*, Paul K. Chu, Capacitive humidity sensing behavior of ordered Ni/Si microchannel plate nanocomposites Sensors and Actuators A 2010, 160: 48–53

26.Fengjuan Miao, Bairui Taoa, Li Sun, Tao Liu, Jinchuan You, Lianwei Wang*, Paul K. Chu, Preparation and characterization of novel nickel–palladium electrodes supported, by silicon microchannel plates for direct methanol fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources 2010), 195:146–150

27.MIAO Feng-Juan, ZHANG Jie, XU Shao-Hui(, WANG Lian-Wei*, CHU Jun-Hao, CAO Zhi-Shen, ZHAN Peng(, WANG Zhen-Lin, An Array of One-Dimensional Porous Silicon Photonic Crystal Reflector Islands for Far-Infrared Image Detector, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 2009, 26(4): 044207(1-4)

28.Fengjuan Miao, Bairui Tao, Tao Liu, Li Sun, Jinchuan You, Lianwei Wang*P.K.ChuAmperometric Glucose Sensor based on 3D Ordered Nickel-Palladium Nanomaterial Supported by Silicon MCP ArraySensor & Actuator B, chemical 2009, 141: 338–342

29.Ding Yuan, Pengliang Ci, Fei Tian, Jing Shi, Shaohui Xu, Peisheng Xin and Lianwei Wang*, Paul K Chu, Large Size P-type Silicon Microchannel Plates Prepared by Photo-Electrochemical Etching, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3), 2009, 8(3): 033012(7pp)

30.ZHANG Jie, XU Shaohui, YANG Shiqian, WANG Lianwei*, CAO Zhishen, ZHAN Peng, WANG Zhenlin, “A stable porous silicon dielectric reflector with a photonic band gap centered at 10 μm”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 2008, 25(4): 1317-1320

31.Xiaoming Chen, Jilei Lin , Ding Yuan , Pengliang Ci, Peisheng Xin, Shaohui Xu and Lianwei Wang*, “Obtaining of high area-ratio free-standing silicon microchannel plate via modified electrochemical procedure”, J. Micromach. & Microeng. 2008, 18: 037003(4pp)


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