教育经历1981.9~ 1985.6:华中师范大学物理系 本科 1985.9~ 1988.6:华中师范大学物理系 硕士 1995.9~ 1998.4:北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 博士 工作经历1993.3~ 1993.7:中科院理论物理研究所访问学者 1994.3~ 1994.5:南京大学访问学者 1995.9~ 1998.4:北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 博士生 1998.8~ 1999.8:香港浸会大学物理系博士后 2000.3~ 2003.7:美国亚里桑那州立大学数学系博士后 2003.7~ 2003.12:美国亚里桑那州立大学生物工程系研究员 2004.5~ 2004.8:香港浸会大学物理系访问学者 2005.7~ 2005.9:新加坡国立大学物理系高级访问学者 2005.11~ 2006.1:香港中文大学物理系访问学者 2006.7~ 2006.9:新加坡国立大学物理系高级访问学者 2006.12~ 2007.2:香港中文大学物理系访问学者 2007.7~ 2007.10:日本京都大学应用数学与物理系高级访问学者 2007.12~ 2008.1:新加坡国立大学物理系高级访问学者 2008.11~ 2009.1:新加坡国立大学物理系高级访问学者 2009.7~ 2009.8:日本京都大学应用数学与物理系高级访问学者 2009.12~ 2010.1:新加坡国立大学物理系高级访问学者 2010.10~ 2011.1:香港中文大学物理系杨振宁(Fellowship)访问学者 2011.7~ 2011.9:新加坡国立大学物理系访问教授(Visiting Professor) 2011.10~ 2011.12:巴西圣保罗大学计算机科学系高级访问学者 2012.8~ 2012.9:新加坡国立大学物理系访问教授(Visiting Professor) 2012.11~ 2012.12:德国洪堡大学访问教授(Visiting Professor) 2013.9~ 2013.9:韩国庆北国立大学访问教授(Visiting Professor) 2004.1~ 至今:beat365手机官方网站物理系教授,理论物理研究所所长个人简介1998年毕业于中国工程物理研究院北京应用物理与计算数学研究所理论物理专业,获理学博士学位。随后赴香港(1998.8~1999.8)及美国Arizona State University(2000.3~2003.12)做博士后及助理研究教授。2004年一月回国任beat365手机官方网站物理系教授,组建beat365手机官方网站理论物理研究所,并于2004年5月任该所所长至今,目前为二级教授。长期从事混沌动力学与复杂网络等领域的研究工作,致力于用统计物理的方法来研究复杂系统的动力学行为及复杂现象的微观机制,在若干方向上取得了原创性成果。在基础理论方面,最早给出了一套适用于保守系统的混沌控制与同步化的理论与方法,提出了分立系统的相概念与高维流系统的空间相概念,揭示了混沌系统的相关共振,给出了产生复杂网络一般结构的最早模型之一,建立了全新的网络热传导模型;在应用方面,给出了动态的或变参数情形下的时间序列相同步的置换熵判据,探讨了人类活动的动态特征对流行病传播的影响,并将耦合振子动力学有效地用于解释生物系统如生物节律、海豚等的半脑睡眠及哺乳动物的听力等方面的物理机制。这些工作发表SCI论文100余篇,其中大多数论文发表在国际一流的物理学术杂志上(Phys.Rev.Lett.7篇,Phys.Rep.1篇,Nat. Commun.1篇,Natl. Sci. Rev.2篇(IF 16.693),PRE 37篇(包括7篇Rapid communications)),其中20余篇文章分别被美国物理协会的Physics News Update、PRL Editors' Suggestion、Editors’ Picks of Biomedical Advances、Rev.Mod.Phys.、Phys. Rep.、Nature Photonics、PLoS、Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research及The Wolfram Demonstrations等特别评论与转载。2004年回国后独立做出的部分结果已被国际著名学者分别在癫痫病的数据分析、碳纳米光纤实验、及麻醉效应中证实,并被当做参考标准。近期在高等教育出版社与科学出版社出版专著及合著四部:《混沌动力学基础及其应用》(2006)、《复杂系统与复杂网络》(2009)、《混沌动力学基础及其在大脑功能方面的应用》(2018)、与《复杂网络上的流行病传播》(2021)。曾获1997年中国工程物理研究院北京研究生部科技创新奖、1998年广西壮族自治区教委科技进步一等奖、2010年中国数学力学物理学高新技术交叉研究学会第六届焦善庆MMPH研究奖。获2013年华东师大优秀研究生指导教师奖(硕导类), 2014年beat365手机官方网站第一届优秀研究生教学奖,2017年10月“beat365手机官方网站教学成果奖”一等奖,2017年上海市教学成果奖二等奖,2018年度beat365手机官方网站科学技术奖一等奖,及2019年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖二等奖。 社会兼职研究方向非线性动力学 复杂网络上的动力学输运 大脑的认知与记忆 招生与培养开授课程(1)混沌动力学与复杂网络简介,本科 (2)量子统计物理学,研究生 科研项目(1)国家自然科学基金重点项目,编号11835003,名称:基于大数据的网 络动力学与统计物理及其在脑功能微观机制方面的应用,2019.1-2023.12,正在进行(主持)。 (2)科技创新2030—重大项目课题,编号2021ZD0202604,名称:多感觉 信息整合计算理论,2021.12-2026.11,正在进行(主持)。 学术成果专著:刘宗华编著《混沌动力学基础及其应用》 高等教育出版社‚2006年11月出版‚ISBN 7-04-020490-8 合著:何大韧‚刘宗华‚汪秉宏编著《复杂系统与复杂网络》 高等教育出版社‚2009年1月出版‚ISBN 978-7-04-025627-7 专著:刘宗华著《混沌动力学基础及其在大脑功能方面的应用》 科学出版社,2018年2月出版,ISBN 978-7-03-056362-0 合著:刘宗华,阮中远,唐明 著《复杂网络上的流行病传播》 高等教育出版社,2021年3月出版,ISBN 978-7-04-055480-9 Publication list(按年份降序排列): 2024年: (209) Liyuan Deng, Siyu Huo, Aihua Chen, and Zonghua Liu, “Coupling resonance of signal responses induced by heterogeneously mixed positive and negative couplings in cognitive subnetworks”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 180, 114505 (2024) (208) Tianle Xu, Shuguang Guan, Zonghua Liu, Yong Zou, “Maximal hysteretic range for explosive synchronization”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 180, 114455 (2024) 2023年: (207) Zhiyin Yang, Dehua Chen, Gang Hu, and Zonghua Liu, “ Partial remote synchronization in star-like networks with partial connections among leaf nodes”, Physical Review Research 5, 043253 (2023) (206) Siyu Huo and Zonghua Liu, “Condensation of eigenmodes in functional brain network and its correlation to chimera state”, Communications Physics 6, 285 (2023) (205) Xi Chen, Haoda Ren, Zhonghua Tang, Ke Zhou, Liqin Zhou, Zhentao Zuo, Xiaohua Cui, Xiaosong Chen, Zonghua Liu, Yong He, Xuhong Liao, “Leading Basic Modes of Spontaneous Activity Drive Individual Functional Connectivity Organization in the Resting Human Brain ”, Communications Biology6, 892 (2023) (204) Qiwei Shen, and Zonghua Liu, “Unidirectional links prefer local firing propagation in the neural network of C. elegans”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 174, 113850 (2023) (203) Ling Kang and Zonghua Liu, “Unraveling the complexity of neural networks Comment on “Structure and function in artificial, zebrafish and human neural networks” by Peng Ji et al. ”, Physics of Life Reviews 46, 158–160 (2023) (202) Dehua Chen, Zhiyin Yang, Qin Xiao, and Zonghua Liu, “Sensitive dynamics of brain cognitive networks and its resource constraints”,Chaos, 33, 063139 (2023) (201) Haoyu Cao, Zhiyin Yang, and Zonghua Liu, “Remote synchronization in multi-layered community networks with star-like topology”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 166, 112893 (2023) 2022年: (200) Zhiyin Yang, Dehua Chen, Qin Xiao, and Zonghua Liu, “Phase frustration induced remote synchronization”,Chaos 32, 103125 (2022) (199) Lang Zeng, Ying-Qi Zeng, Ming Tang , Ying Liu, Zonghua Liu, and Ying-Cheng Lai, “Quantitative assessment of the effects of resource optimization and ICU admission policy on COVID-19 mortalities”, Physical Review Research 4, 033202 (2022) (198) Tianwei Wu, Siyu Huo, K. Alfaro-Bittner, S. Boccaletti,and Zonghua Liu, “Double Explosive Transition in the Synchronization of Multilayer Networks”, Physical Review Research 4, 033009 (2022) [本文的Fig.6被Review article: Nature Physics 19,1247-1262 (2023)采用] (197) Qiwei Shen and Zonghua Liu, “Echo effect in brain networks”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 160, 112260 (2022) (196) Haoyu Cao and Zonghua Liu, “A novel synchronization transition and amplitude death in the local brain networks of cortical regions”, Nonlinear Dyn 108, 2861–2874 (2022) (195) Tianwei Wu, Xinhua Zhang, and Zonghua Liu, “Understanding the mechanisms of brain functions from the angle of synchronization and complex network”, Front. Phys. 17(3), 31504 (2022) (194) Siyu Huo, Yong Zou, Marcus Kaiser,and Zonghua Liu, “Time-limited self-sustaining rhythms and state transitions in brain networks”, Physical Review Research 4, 023076 (2022) 2021年: (193) 刘宗华, 2021年诺贝尔物理学奖解读:复杂物理视角,物理教学 43(12), 2 (2021) (192) 刘宗华, 复杂网络科学可以解释生命现象吗?物理教学 43(10), 2 (2021) (191) Qiwei Shen and Zonghua Liu, “Remote firing propagation in the neural network of C.elegans”, Phys. Rev. E103, 052414 (2021) (190) Zhenhua Wang and Zonghua Liu, “Effect of remote signal propagation in an empirical brain network”, Chaos 31, 063126 (2021) (189) Kezhao Xiong,Zhengxin Yan, You Xie, and Zonghua Liu, “Regulating heat conduction of complex networks by distributed nodes masses”, Sci. Rep.11,5501 (2021) (188) Zheng-Meng Zhai, Yong-Shang Long, Ming Tang, Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, “Optimal inference of the start of COVID-19”, Physical Review Research 3,013155 (2021) (187) S. Huo, C. Tian, M. Zheng, S. Guan, C.S. Zhou, and Z. Liu, “Spatial multi-scaled chimera states of cerebral cortex network and its inherent structure-dynamics relationship in human brain”, National Science Review 8: nwaa125 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwaa125 2020年: (186) 刘宗华, “Special topic on dynamics on complex networks”,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 50, 010501 (2020) (185) Kezhao Xiong,Zonghua Liu, ChunhuaZeng, Baowen Li, “Thermal siphon phenomenon and thermal/electric conduction in complex networks”, National Science Review 7: 270-277 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwz128(被被美国科学促进会(American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS)的全球科技新闻网EurekAlert特别报道, 见 https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-09/scp-tse092719.php) (184) Ling Kang, Zhenhua Wang, Siyu Huo, Changhai Tian, and Zonghua Liu, “Remote synchronization in human cerebral cortex network with identical oscillators”, Nonlinear Dyn 99:1577–1586 (2020) (183) 王振华, 刘宗华, “复杂网络上的部分同步化: 奇异态、遥同步与集团同步”, Acta Physica Sinica 69, 088902 (2020) (182) Zhao-Hua Lin, Mi Feng, Ming Tang*, Zonghua Liu*, Chen Xu, Pak Ming Hui, and Ying-Cheng Lai, “Non-Markovian recovery makes complex networks more resilient against largescale failures”, Nature Communications11, 2490 (2020) (181) Jiameng Zhang, Stefano Boccaletti, Zonghua Liu, andShuguang Guan, “Synchronization of phase oscillators under asymmetric and bimodal distributions of natural frequencies”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 136, 109777 (2020) (180) Zhenhua Wang and Zonghua Liu, “A brief review of chimera state in empirical brain networks”, Frontiers in Psychology 11, 724 (2020) (179) Dayu Wu, Ming Tang, Zonghua Liu, and Ying-Cheng Lai, “Impact of inter-layer hopping on epidemic spreading in a multilayer network”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 90, 105403 (2020) (178) Liang Cao and Zonghua Liu, “How IQ depends on the running mode of brain network? ”, Chaos 30, 073111 (2020) 2019年: (177) Siyu Huo, Changhai Tian, Ling Kang, and Zonghua Liu, “Chimera states of neuron networks with adaptive coupling”, Nonlinear Dynamics 96, 75 (2019) (176) Xue Li, Tian Qiu, Stefano Boccaletti, Irene Sendiña-Nadal, Zonghua Liu, Shuguang Guan, “Synchronization clusters emerge asthe result of a global coupling among classical phase oscillators”, NJP 21, 053002 (2019) (175) Ling Kang, Changhai Tian, Siyu Huo, and Zonghua Liu, “A two-layered brain network model and its chimera state”, Scientific Reports 9, 14389 (2019) (174) Yizhan Xu, Ming Tang, Ying Liu, Yong Zou, and Zonghua Liu, “Identifying epidemic threshold by temporal profile of outbreaks on networks”, Chaos 29, 103141 (2019) (173) Tian Qiu, S. Boccaletti, Zonghua Liu, and Shuguang Guan, “Characterizing nonstationary coherent states in globally coupledconformist and contrarian oscillators”, Phys. Rev. E 100, 052310 (2019) (172) Zewen Chen, Yong Zou, Shuguang Guan, Zonghua Liu, and Juergen Kurths, “Fully solvable lower dimensional dynamics of Cartesian product of Kuramoto models”, New J. Phys. 21, 123019 (2019) 2018年: (171) Muhua Zheng, Wei Wang, Ming Tang, Jie Zhou, S. Boccaletti and Zonghua Liu, “Multiple peaks patterns of epidemic spreading in multi-layer networks”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 107 (2018) 135–142 (美国 匹兹堡大学网站 https://www.tycho.pitt.edu/featured-works/对此工作做了专题特别报道) (170) Liang Cao, Changhai Tian, Zhenhua Wang, Xiyun Zhang, and Zonghua Liu, “Influence of stochastic perturbations on the cluster explosive synchronization of second-order Kuramoto oscillators on networks”, PRE 97, 022220 (2018) (169) Jiao Wu, Muhua Zheng, Zi-Ke Zhang, Wei Wang, Changgui Gu, and Zonghua Liu, “A model of spreading of sudden events on social networks”, Chaos 28, 033113 (2018) (168) Changhai Tian, Liang Cao, Hongjie Bi, Kesheng Xu, and Zonghua Liu, “Chimera states in neuronal networks with time-delay and electromagnetic induction”, Nonlinear Dynamics 93, 1695 (2018) (167) Hengcong Liu, Muhua Zheng, and Zonghua Liu, “A paradox of epidemics between the state and parameter spaces”, Sci. Rep. 8, 7517 (2018) (166) 唐明,刘宗华,“网络科学:网络化时代的思维范式”, 科学 70, 29 (2018) (165) Kezhao Xiong, Chunhua Zeng, Zonghua Liu,and Baowen Li, “Influence of degree of complex network on heat conduction”, Phys. Rev. E 98, 022115 (2018) (164) Yong Zou, Zhiyong Zhao, Dazhi Yin, Mingxia Fan, Michael Small, Zonghua Liu, Claus C Hilgetag, and Juergen Kurths, “Brain anomaly networks uncover heterogeneous functional reorganization patterns after stroke”, NeuroImage: Clinical 20, 523 (2018) (163) Tian Qiu , Ivan Bonamassa , Stefano Boccaletti , Zonghua Liu and Shuguang Guan, “Rhythmic synchronization and hybrid collective states of globally coupled oscillators”, Sci. Rep. 8, 12950 (2018) (162) Kezhao Xiong, Chunhua Zeng, and Zonghua Liu , “Effect of degree correlation on the thermal transport in complex networks”, Nonlinear Dyn. 94, 3067-3075 (2018) (161) Hui Wu, Ling Kang, Zonghua Liu, and Mukesh Dhamala,“Exact explosive synchronization transitions in Kuramoto oscillators with time-delayed coupling” , Sci. Rep. 8, 15521 (2018) (160) Kezhao Xiong, Jie Zhou, Ming Tang, Chunhua Zeng, and Zonghua Liu , “Controlling of thermal conduction and rectification in a model of complex networks with two asymmetric parts”, Phys. Rev. E 98, 062144 (2018)(We would like to inform you that we have selected Figure 4b from this paper to be displayed on our journal web site as part of our Kaleidoscope, 见:https://journals.aps.org/pre/kaleidoscope/pre/98/6/062144 或 Kaleidoscope-Phys. Rev. E 98, 062144 (2018).jpg) 2017年: (159) Chao-Qing Wang, Alain Pumir, Nicolas B. Garnier and Zonghua Liu, “Explosive synchronization enhances selectivity: Example of the cochlea”,Front. Phys. 12, 128901 (2017) (158) Changhai Tian, Xiyun Zhang, Zhenhua Wang, and Zonghua Liu, “Diversity of chimera-like patterns from a model of 2D arrays of neurons with non-local couplings”,Front. Phys. 12, 128904 (2017) (157) Zhenhua Wang, Changhai Tian, Mukesh Dhamala and Zonghua Liu, “A small change in neuronal network topology can induce explosive synchronization transition and activity propagation in the entire network”,Sci. Rep. 7, 561 (2017). (156) Xiyun Zhang, Arkady Pikovsky and Zonghua Liu, “Dynamics of oscillators globally coupled via two mean fields”, Sci. Rep. 7, 2014 (2017). (155) Muhua Zheng, Ming Zhao, Byungjoon Min, and Zonghua Liu, “Synchronized and mixed outbreaks of coupled recurrent epidemics”, Sci. Rep. 7, 2424 (2017). (美国匹兹堡大学网 站 https://www.tycho.pitt.edu/featured-works/对此工作做了专题特别报道) (154) Kezhao Xiong and Zonghua Liu, “Temperature dependence of heat conduction coefficient in nanotube/nanowire networks”,Chinese Physics B 26, 098904 (2017) (153) Changhai Tian, Hongjie Bi, Xiyun Zhang, Shuguang Guan, and Zonghua Liu, “Asymmetric couplings enhance the transition from chimera state to synchronization”,Phys. Rev. E 96, 052209(2017) (152) Jie Zhou, Yong Zou, Shuguang Guan, Zonghua Liu, Gaoxi Xiao, and Stefano Boccaletti, “Connection adaption for control of networked mobile chaotic agents”,Sci. Rep.7, 16069(2017) 2016年: (151) Dayu Wu, Yanping Zhao, Muhua Zheng, Jie Zhou, and Zonghua Liu, “Reverse-feeding effect of epidemic by propagators in two-layered networks”,Chinese Physics B 25, 028701 (2016) (150) Xiao-ming Liang and Zonghua Liu, “Effect of initial phase diversity on signal detection in excitable systems”, Sci. China Tech. Sci. 59, 376 (2016) (149) Muhua Zheng, Zhongyuan Ruan, Ming Tang, Younghae Do and Zonghua Liu, “Influence of periodic traffic congestion on epidemic spreading”,Int. J. Mod. Phys. C27, 1650048 (2016) (148) Xiyun Zhang, Shuguang Guan, Yong Zou, Xiaosong Chen and Zonghua Liu, “Suppressing explosive synchronization by contrarians”, Europhys. Lett. 113, 28005 (2016) (147) Xiyun Zhang, Hongjie Bi, Shuguang Guan, Jinming Liu, and Zonghua Liu, “Model bridging chimera state and explosive synchronization”,Phys. Rev. E 94, 012204 (2016) (146) Jie Zhou, Yong Zou, Shuguang Guan, Zonghua Liu and S. Boccaletti, Synchronization in slowly switching networks of coupled oscillators, Sci. Rep. 6, 35979 (2016). (145) T. Qiu, S. Boccaletti, I. Bonamassa, Y. Zou, J. Zhou, Z. Liu, S. Guan, Synchronization and Bellerophon state in conformist and contrarian oscillators, Sci. Rep. 6, 36713 (2016). (144) S. Boccaletti, J.A. Almendral, S. Guan, I. Leyva, Z. Liu, I. Sendiña-Nadal, Z. Wang, Y. Zou, Explosive transitions in complex networks’ structure and dynamics: Percolation and synchronization, Physics Reports 660, 1-94 (2016). (143) H. Bi, X. Hu, S. Boccaletti, X. Wang, Y. Zou, Z. Liu and S. Guan, Coexistence of quantized, time dependent, clusters in globally coupled oscillators, Phys. Rev. Lett.117, 204101 (2016). (142) Wenchang Zhou, Yong Zou, Jie Zhou, Zonghua Liu, and Shuguang Guan, Intermittent Bellerophon state in frequency-weighted Kuramoto model, CHAOS 26, 123117 (2016) (141) Hengcong Liu, Muhua Zheng, Dayu Wu, Zhenhua Wang, Jinming Liu, and Zonghua Liu, Hysteresis loop of nonperiodic outbreaks of recurrent epidemics,Phys. Rev. E 94, 062318 (2016) 2015年: (140) Xiyun Zhang, S. Boccaletti, Shuguang Guan and Zonghua Liu, “Explosive synchronization in adaptive and multilayer networks”, Phys. Rev. Lett.114, 038701 (2015)(PRL Editors' Suggestion) (139) Liye Zhang,Yong Zou,Shuguang Guanand Zonghua Liu, “Analytical description for the critical fixations of evolutionary coordination gameson finite complex structured populations”, PRE91, 042807 (2015) (138) Zhongyuan Ruan, Chaoqing Wang, Pak Ming Hui, and Zonghua Liu, “Integrated travel network model for studying epidemics: Interplay between journeys and epidemic”, Sci. Rep. 5: 11401 (2015) (137) Sheng-Fei Ma, Hong-Jie Bi, Yong Zou, Zonghua Liuand Shu-Guang Guan, “Shuttle-run synchronization in mobile ad hoc networks”, Front. Phys. 10, 100505 (2015) (136) Wenchang Zhou,Lumin Chen,Hongjie Bi, Xin Hu, Zonghua Liu, and Shuguang Guan, “Explosive synchronization with asymmetric frequency distribution”,Phys. Rev. E 92, 012812 (2015) (135) Muhua Zheng, Chaoqing Wang, Jie Zhou, Ming Zhao, Shuguang Guan, Yong Zou and Zonghua Liu, “Non-periodic outbreaks of recurrent epidemics and its network modelling”,Sci. Rep.5, 16010 (2015) (134) Tian Qiu, Yue Zhang, Jie Liu, Hongjie Bi, Stefano Boccaletti, Zonghua Liu, and Shuguang Guan, “Landau damping effects in the synchronization of conformist and contrarian oscillators”, Sci. Rep.5, 18235 (2015) (133) Changgui Gu, Jinshan Xu, Huijie Yang, and Zonghua Liu, and Jos H. T. Rohling, “Noise induces oscillation and synchronization of the circadian neurons”, PLoS ONE 10(12): e0145360 (2015) 2014年: (132) Changgui Gu, Ashna Ramkisoensing, Zonghua Liu, Johanna H. Meijer, and Jos H. T. Rohling, “The Proportion of Light-Responsive Neurons Determines the Limit Cycle Properties of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus”, Journal of Biological Rhythms29, 16-27 (2014) (131) Yong Zou, Michael Small, Zonghua Liu,and Jurgen Kurths, “Complex network approach to characterize the statistical features of the sunspot series”, New J. Phys. 16, 013051 (2014) (130) Changgui Gu, Xinhua Zhang, and Zonghua Liu, “Collective behaviors of suprachiasm nucleus neurons under different light–dark cycles”, Chin. Phys. B23, 078702 (2014) (129) Yong Zou, Tiago Pereira, Michael Small, Zonghua Liu, and J¨urgen Kurths, “Basin of attraction determines hysteresis in explosive synchronization”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 114102 (2014) (128) Xiyun Zhang, Yong Zou, S. Boccaletti, and Zonghua Liu, “Explosive synchronization as a process of explosive percolation in dynamical phase space”, Sci.Rep.4, 5200(2014). (127) 刘宗华, “基于复杂网络的信号检测与传递”, 中国科学: 物理学力学天文学44,1334–1343 (2014) (126) Wenwen Huang, Xiyun Zhang, Xin Hu, Yong Zou, Zonghua Liu, and Shuguang Guan, “Variation of critical point of aging transition in a networked oscillators system”, Chaos 24, 023122 (2014) (125) Wei Wang,Ming Tang,Hai-Feng Zhang,Hui Gao,Younghae Do,and Zong-Hua Liu, “Epidemic spreading on complex networks with general degree and weight distributions”, Phys. Rev. E 90, 042803 (2014) (被Phys. Rep. 820 (2019) 1-51进行评述) (124) Xin Hu, Stefano Boccaletti, Wenwen Huang, Xiyun Zhang, Zonghua Liu, Shuguang Guan, and Choy-Heng Lai, “Exact solution for first order synchronization in a generalized Kuramoto model”, Sci. Rep.4, 7262 (2014) (123) Hongjie Bi, Xin Hu, Xiyun Zhang, Yong Zou, Zonghua Liu and Shuguang Guan, “Explosive oscillation death in coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators”, Europhys. Lett.108, 50003 (2014) (122) Yanping Zhao, Muhua Zheng, and Zong-Hua Liu, “A unified framework of mutual influence between two pathogens in multiplex networks”, CHAOS 24, 043129 (2014) (被Phys.Rep. 820 (2019) 1-51进行评述) (121) Kesheng Xu, Xiyun Zhang, Chaoqing Wangand Zong-Hua Liu, “A simplified memory network model based on pattern formations”, Sci. Rep.4 : 7568 (2014) 2013年: (120) Zhongyuan Ruan, P. M. Hui, H. Q. Lin, and Zonghua Liu, “Risks of an epidemic in a two-layered railway-local area traveling network”, Eur. Phys. J. B 86, 13(2013) (119) Yan Dong, Wenwen Huang, Zonghua Liu, Shuguang Guan, “Network analysis of time series under the constraint of fixednearest neighbors”, Physica A 392 (2013) 967–973 (118) Zhongyuan Ruan, Ming Tang, and Zonghua Liu, “How the contagion at links influences epidemic spreading”, Eur. Phys. J. B 86, 149 (2013) (117) JianxiongWangand Zonghua Liu, “Achainmodelforsignaldetectionand transmission”, Europhys. Lett. 102, 10003(2013) (116) Kesheng Xu, Wenwen Huang, Baowen Li, Mukesh Dhamala and Zonghua Liu, “Controlling self-sustained spiking activity by adding or removing one network link”, Europhys. Lett. 102, 50002 (2013) (115) Xiyun Zhang, Xin Hu, J. Kurths, and Zonghua Liu, “Explosive synchronization in a general complex network”, Phys. Rev. E 88, 010802(R) (2013) (Rapid communications) (114) Changgui Gu, Jinshan Xu, Zonghua Liu, and Jos H. T. Rohling, “Entrainment range of nonidentical circadian oscillators by a light-dark cycle”, Phys. Rev. E 88, 022702 (2013) (113) Guifeng Su, Zhongyuan Ruan, Shuguang Guan and Zonghua Liu, “Explosive synchronization on co-evolving networks”, Europhys. Lett. 103, 48004(2013) (112) Xiyun Zhang, Zhongyuan Ruan, and Zonghua Liu, “An efficient approach to suppress the negative role of contrarian oscillators in synchronization”, Chaos 23, 033135 (2013) 2012年: (111) Li Liu and Zonghua Liu, “Optimal temperature in the accumulation of particles in networked traps”, Eur. Phys. J. B 85,113(2012) (110) Zonghua Liu, Baowen Li, and Ying-Cheng Lai, “Enhancing mammalian hearing by a balancing between spontaneous otoacoustic emissions and spatial coupling”, Europhys. Lett. 98, 20005(2012) (109) Changgui Gu, Zonghua Liu, William J. Schwartz, Premananda Indic, “Photic Desynchronization of Two Subgroups of Circadian Oscillators in a Network Model of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus with Dispersed Coupling Strengths”, PLoS ONE7(5), e36900 (2012) (108) Xiaoming Liang, Liang Zhao, and Zonghua Liu, “Optimal signal amplification in weighted scale-free networks”, CHAOS 22, 023128 (2012) (107) Xiaoming Liang, Liang Zhao, and Zonghua Liu, “Signal amplification of active rotators with phase-shifted coupling”, Eur. Phys. J. B 85, 219(2012) (106) Xiaoming Liang, Liang Zhao, and Zonghua Liu, “Enhancing weak signal transmission through a feedforward network”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 23, 1506-1512 (2012) (105) Zhongyuan Ruan, Ming Tang, and Zonghua Liu, “Epidemic spreading with information-driven vaccination”, Phys. Rev. E 86, 036117 (2012) (被Phys. Rep. 820 (2019) 1-51进行大段评述及图文采用) (104) Jinshan Xu, Changgui Gu, Alain Pumir, Nicolas Garnier, and Zonghua Liu, “Entrainment of the suprachiasmatic nucleus network by a light-dark cycle” , Phys. Rev. E 86, 041903 (2012) (103) Zonghua Liu, “Organization network enhanced detection and transmission of phase-locking”, EPL 100,60002(2012) 2011年: (102) 吴翔‚ 刘宗华‚ “复杂网络中的热传导特性”‚复杂系统与复杂性科学8‚39(2011) (101) Jie Zhou‚ Yinzuo Zhou‚ and Zonghua Liu‚“Amplification of signal response at an arbitrary node of a complex network” ‚ Phys. Rev. E 83‚ 046107(2011) (100) Changgui Gu‚ Jianxiong Wang‚ Jiaxiang Wang‚ and Zonghua Liu‚ “Mechanism of phase splitting in two coupled groups of suprachiasmatic-nucleus neurons” ‚ Phys. Rev. E 83‚ 046224(2011) (99) Zonghua Liu‚“Signal response amplification of scale-free networks” ‚ CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 56‚ 3623 (2011) (98) Jianxiong Wang and Zonghua Liu‚“Exciting threshold dependence of self-sustained spikes in excitable neurons” ‚ Europhys. Lett. 95‚ 10001 (2011). (97) Xiaoming Liang‚ Liang Zhao‚ and Zonghua Liu‚ “Phase-noise-induced resonance in a single neuronal system”‚ Phys. Rev. E 84‚ 031916(2011)
2010年: (96) Zonghua Liu‚ “Effect of mobility in partially occupied complex networks” ‚ Phys. Rev. E 81‚ 016110(2010) (95) Zonghua Liu‚ Xiang Wu‚ Huijie Yang‚ Neelima Gupte‚ and Baowen Li‚ “Heat flux distribution and rectification of complex networks” ‚ New J. Phys.12‚ 023016(2010) (94) Zonghua Liu‚ “Chaotic time series analysis”‚ Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2010‚ 720190(2010) (93) Takeo Kondo‚ Zonghua Liu‚ and Toyonori Munakata‚ “One-body theory for amplified signal response in a scale-free network”‚ Phys. Rev. E 81‚ 041115(2010) (92) Yinzuo Zhou‚ Jie Zhou‚ Xingang Wang‚ Shuguang Guan‚ Choy Heng Lai and Zonghua Liu‚ “Resonance effect of direction-phase clusters in a scale-free network”‚ Europhys. Lett. 90‚ 30005(2010) (91) Xiaoming Liang‚ Mukeshwar Dhamala‚ Liang Zhao‚ and Zonghua Liu‚ “Phase disorder-induced double resonance of neuronal activity”‚ Phys. Rev. E 82‚ 010902(2010) (Rapid communications){Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research --July 1‚ 2010‚ Volume 20‚ Issue 1}。 (90) Rubao Ma‚ Jianxiong wang‚ and Zonghua Liu‚ “Robust features of chimera states and the implementation of alternating chimera states”‚ Europhys. Lett.91‚ 40006(2010) (89) Shuguang Guan‚ Xiaofeng Gong‚ Kun Li‚ Zonghua Liu‚ and C-H Lai‚ “Characterizing generalized synchronization in complex networks” ‚ New J. Phys.12‚ 073045(2010) (88) Ming Tang‚ Zonghua Liu‚ and Baowen Li‚ “Influence of zero range process interaction on diffusion”‚ Chaos 20‚ 043135 (2010) (87) 何大韧‚刘宗华‚汪秉宏‚“网络传播动力学”‚复杂系统与复杂性科学7(2-3),33(2010);李翔‚刘宗华‚ “基于复杂网络的复杂系统动力学及统计行为的研究”‚复杂系统与复杂性科学7 (2-3)‚10 (2010) 2009年: (86) Ming Tang‚Li Liu‚and Zonghua Liu‚“Influence of dynamical condensation on epidemic spreading in scale-free networks”‚ PRE79‚016108(2009)。{Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research --February 1‚ 2009‚ Volume 17‚ Issue 3 } (85) Jie Zhou and Zonghua Liu‚ “Epidemic spreading in communities with mobile agents”‚ Physica A 388‚ 1228(2009) (84) Faming Lu and Zonghua Liu‚“Frequency sensitivity of signal detection in scale-free networks” ‚ Chin. Phys. Lett. 26‚040503(2009) (83) Zonghua Liu‚ Ming Tang‚ and P. M. Hui‚“Adaptive routing approaches of controlling traffic congestion in Internet”‚in "Complex Sciences", Part 2‚ pp. 1472-1484‚ J. Zhou (Ed.) (Springer‚ Singapore‚ 2009) (http://www.springerlink.com/content/x18654/?p=af03f27705ad494ea14159bcf0d3828b&pi=3) (82) Ming Tang‚ Zonghua Liu‚ and Baowen Li‚ “Epidemic spreading by objective traveling”‚ Europhys. Lett.87‚ 18005(2009)。 (81) Ming Tang‚ Zonghua Liu‚ Xiaoming Liang‚ and P. M. Hui‚ “Self-adjusting routing schemes for time-varying traffic in scale-free networks”‚ Phys. Rev. E 80‚ 026114(2009)。 (80) Zonghua Liu‚ Xiaoyan Wu‚ and P. M. Hui‚ “An alternative approach to characterize the topology of complex networks and its application in epidemic spreading”‚ Front. Comput. Sci. (79) Zonghua Liu‚ Jie Zhou‚ and Toyonori Munakata‚ “Detecting generalized synchronization by generalized angle”‚ Europhys. Lett.87‚ 50002(2009)。 (78) Changgui Gu‚ Jianxiong Wang‚ Zonghua Liu‚ “Free-running period of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus: Its dependence on the distribution of neuronal coupling strengths”‚ Phys. Rev. E80‚ 030904(2009) (Rapid communication)。{Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research –October 1‚ 2009‚ Volume 18‚ Issue 7 )}。 (77) Xiaoming Liang‚ Zonghua Liu‚ and Baowen Li‚ “Weak signal transmission in complex networks and its application in detecting connectivity”‚ Phys. Rev. E80‚ 046102(2009)。 (76) Xiaoming Liang‚ Ming Tang‚ Mukeshwar Dhamala‚ and Zonghua Liu‚ “Phase synchronization of inhibitory bursting neurons induced by distributed time delays in chemical coupling”‚ Phys. Rev. E 80, 066202(2009) {Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research --December 15, 2009, Volume 18, Issue 12}。 2008年: (75) Xiaoyan Wu and Zonghua Liu‚ “How community structure influences epidemic spread in social networks”‚ Physica A 387‚ 623 (2008)。 (74) Ming Tang and Zonghua Liu‚ “Detrended fluctuation analysis of particle condensation on complex networks”‚ Physica A 387‚1361 (2008)。 (73) Ming Tang and Zonghua Liu‚ “Relaxation dynamics in condensation on weighted scale-free networks”‚ Commun. Theo. Phys. 49‚ 252 (2008)。 (72) Xiaoming Liang‚Huaping Lv‚ and Zonghua Liu‚ “Self-organization in coupled map scale-free networks”‚ 409 (2008)。 (71) Zonghua Liu and Baowen Li‚ “Heat conduction in a 1D harmonic chain with three dimensional vibrations”‚ J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77 (2008) 074003 {本文被The Wolfram Demonstrations选用作专题网络演示‚ 见Aug. 2008‚ http://demonstrations. wolfram.com/HeatConductionInA1DHarmonicChainWith3DVibrations/)} (70) Ming Tang‚ Zonghua Liu‚ Xiaoyan Zhu‚ and Xiaoyan Wu‚ “Condensation on weighted networks with symmetric weights”‚ Inter. J. Mod. Phys. C 19‚927 - 937 (2008)。 (69) Jie Zhou and Zonghua Liu‚ “Synchronized patterns induced by distributed time-delays”‚ PRE 77‚ 056213(2008)。 {Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research -- June 1‚ 2008‚ Volume 15‚ Issue 11}。 (68) Jie Zhou and Zonghua Liu‚ “Epidemic spreading in complex networks”‚ Front. Phys. (67) Zonghua Liu and Toyonori Munakata‚“Scale-free topology induced double resonance in networked two-state systems” Phys. Rev. E 78‚046111(2008)。 (66) Yinzuo Zhou‚ Jie Zhou‚and Zonghua Liu‚“Influence of network topology on the abnormal phase order”, EPL 84‚60001(2008)。 2007年: (65) Yinzuo Zhou‚ Zonghua Liu‚ and Jie Zhou‚“Periodic wave of epidemic spreading in community networks” ‚ Chin. Phys. Lett. 24‚581(2007)。 (64) Huan Zhang‚Zonghua Liu‚Ming Tang‚ and P. M. Hui‚“An adaptive routing strategy for packet delivery in complex networks”‚ Phys. Lett. A 364‚ 177(2007)。{本文被权威综述期刊Review Article Rev. Mod. Phys. 80‚ 1275 (2008)引用} (63) Xiaoyan Wu and Zonghua Liu‚“Epidemic diffusion on complex networks” ‚Chin. Phys. Lett. 24‚ 1118(2007)。 (62) Xiaoyan Zhu‚ Zonghua Liu‚ and Ming Tang‚ “Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Traffic Data”‚ Chin. Phys. Lett. 24‚ 2142(2007)。 (61) Zonghua Liuand P. M. Hui‚ “Collective Signaling Behavior in a Networked Oscillator Model”‚ Physica A 383‚ 714(2007)。 (60) Jie Zhou‚ Zonghua Liu ‚ and Baowen Li‚ “Influence of network structure on rumor propagation”‚ Phys. Lett. A368‚ 458 (2007)。 (59) Zonghua Liu‚“Independent-Dependent Transition before Complete or Generalized Synchronization”‚ International Journal of Modern Physics B 21‚ 4054 (2007)。 (58) Zonghua Liu and Baowen Li‚ “Heat conduction in simple networks: The effect of inter-chain coupling”‚ Phys. Rev. E 76‚051118(2007)。 2006年: (57) Zonghua Liu, Weichuan Ma, Huan Zhang, Yin Sun, and P. M. Hui, An efficient approach of controlling traffic congestion in scale-free networks. Physica A 370,843(2006)。{本文被权威综述期刊 Review Article Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 1275(2008)引用} (56) Huan Zhang, Zonghua Liu, Weichuan Ma, Epidemic propagation and microscopic structure of complex networks,Chin. Phys. Lett. 23,1050(2006)。 (55) Liyan Wu and Zonghua Liu, Enhancement of information transmission by array induced stochastic resonance in the processes of amplitude and frequency modulations,Chin. Phys. Lett. 23,1110(2006)。 (54) Ming Tang, Zonghua Liu, and Jie Zhou,“Condensation in a zero range process on weighted scale-free networks” Phys. Rev. E 74, 036101(2006)。{本文被权威综述期刊 Review Article Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 1275(2008)引用} 2005年: (53) Y.-C. Lai, Z. Liu, G.-W. wei, C. H. Lai, “Reply to Comment on ‘Shadowability of statistical averages in chaotic systems’ ”, Phys. Rev. Lett.94, 219403(2005)。 (52) Zonghua Liu, Bambi Hu, and Leon D. Iasemidis,“Detection of phase locking from non-stationary time series”, Europhys. Lett. 71, 200(2005)。 (51) Zonghua Liu and Weichuan Ma,“Noise induced destruction of zero Lyapunov exponent in coupled chaotic systems”, Phys. Lett. A 343, 300(2005)。 (50) Zonghua Liu and Bambi Hu ,“Epidemic spreading in community networks” Europhys. Lett. 72, 315(2005)。 {此文被New Phytologist杂志中的Research Review专题综述文章进行评论,见NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 174 (2): 279-297 2007. PLoS Com. Bio. 6, e1000736(2010)说此文首次将社区效应对流行病的影响单独提出 来. 被Rev. Mod. Phys87-925-2015重点引用,被Pastor-Satorras, R., Castellano, C., Van Mieghem, P., & Vespignani, A. (2015). Epidemic processes in complex networks. Reviews of modern physics, 87(3), 925引用; 被Phys. Rep. 820 (2019) 1-51进行评述} 2004年: (49) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Arje Nachman, ``Enhancement of detectability of noisy signals by stochastic resonance'', Int. J. Bif. & Chaos 14, 1655(2004)。 (48) Ying-Cheng Lai and Zonghua Liu, Effect of noise on the neutral direction of chaotic attractors, Chaos 14, 189(2004)。 (47) Kwangho Park, Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu, and Arje Nachman, Aperiodic stochastic resonance and phase synchronization”, Phys. Lett. A 326, 391-396 (2004)。{本文被权威综述期刊Review Article Rev. Mod. Phys. 79, 829(2007)引用与评价. 此文给出的探测cross-correlation的公式被 Nature Photonics 4, 323(2010)应用. } (46) Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu, Arje Nachman, and Liqiang Zhu, Suppression of jamming in excitable systems by aperiodic stochastic resonance, Inter. J. Bif. & Chaos 14, 3519- 3539(2004)。{本文被权威综述期刊Review Article Rev. Mod. Phys. 79, 829(2007)引用与评价} (45) Zonghua Liu, Measuring the degree of synchronization from time series data”, Europhys. Lett. 68, 19(2004)。{此文给出的关于时间序列同步化的检测方法被著名国际癫痫病专家Lehnertz在 他们的一系列工作中当作参考标准等,见PRL100, 158101(2008),IJBC17,3539(2007), IJBC17,3729(2007)。本文被Astrophys Space Sci (2014) 352:83–94大篇幅引用与评论,被 PRE 94, 052216 (2016)重点引用} 其余论著(before 2004): 2003年: (44) Ying-Cheng Lai, Erik M. Bollt, and Zonghua Liu, ``Low-dimensional chaos in high-dimensional phase space: how does it occur?'', Chaos, Solitons and Fractals15, 219-232 (2003)。 (43) Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu, Lora Billings, and Ira B. Schwartz, ``Noise-induced unstable dimension variability and transition to chaos in random dynamical systems'', Phys. Rev. E67, 026210 (2003)。 (42) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Nong Ye```Propagation and immunization of infection on general networks with both homogeneous and heterogeneous components'', Phys. Rev. E 67, 031911(2003){ 本文被收录于由美 国物理联合会 (AIP)和美国物理学会(APS)联合发行的国际生物物理网络杂志(Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research -- April 1, 2003, Volume 5, Issue 7), 见 http://www.vjbio.org/dbt/dbt.jsp?KEY=VIRT02&Volume=5&Issue=7), 被权威综述期刊Review Article Phys. Rep. 424, 175(2006)引用;被New Phytologist杂志中的Research Review专题综述 文章进行评论,见 NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 174 (2): 279-297 2007}。 (41) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Manuel A. Matias, ``Universal scaling of Lyapunov exponents in coupled chaotic oscillators'', Phys. Rev. E 67, 045203(2003) (Rapid communications)。 (40) Younghae Do, Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu, and Eric J.Kostelich, ``Subdiffusion and shadowing in high-dimensional chaotic systems'', Phys. Rev. E. 67, 035202 (2003) (Rapid communications)。 (39) Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu,Nong Ye, and T. Yalcinkaya, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, pp. 305 London, 2003)。 (38) Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu,and Nong Ye, Infection dynamics on growing networks, International journal of modern physics B 17, 4045-4061 (2003)。 2002年: (37) Zonghua Liu and Ying-Cheng Lai, ``Chaotic scattering in deformed optical microlasing cavities'', Phys. Rev. E65, 046204(5) (2002)。 (36) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, Lora Billings, and Ira B. Schwartz, ``Transition to chaos in continuous-time random dynamical systems'', Phys. Rev. Lett.88, 124101 (2002)。 (35) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Juan M. Lopez, ``Noise-induced enhancement of chemical reactions in chaotic flows'', Chaos12, 417-425 (2002) {本文被美国物理协会(AIP)的Physics News Update攒文专题评论,见 http://www.aip.org/enews/physnews /2002/split /593-2.html; 被权威综述期刊Review Article Phys. Rep. 413, 91(2005)用专门的一节9.3 “Effects of diffusive noise”来专题介绍} (34) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Arje Nachman, ``Enhancement of noisy signals by stochastic resonance'', Phys. Lett. A 297, 75-80 (2002)。 (33) Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu, Guo-Wei Wei, and Choy-Heng Lai, ``Shadowing of statistical averages in chaotic systems'', Phys. Rev. Lett.89, 184101(4) (2002)。 (32) Liqiang Zhu, Ying-Cheng Lai, Zonghua Liu, and Arvind Raghu, ``Can noise make nonbursting chaotic systems more regular?'', Phys. Rev. E 66, 015204(4) (Rapid communications) (2002)。 {本文被权威综述期刊Review Article Phys. Rep. 392, 321(2004)引用} (31) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Nong Ye, ``Statistical properties and attack tolerance of growing networks with algebraic preferential attachment'', Phys. Rev. E66, 036112(7) (2002)。 (30) Meng Zhan, Guo Wei Wei, Choy-Heng Lai, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Zonghua Liu,``Coherence resonance near the Hopf bifurcation in coupled chaotic oscillators'', Phys. Rev. E66, 036201(5) (2002)。{本文被权威综述期刊 Review Article Phys. Rep. 392, 321(2004) 引用} (29) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, Nong Ye, and Partha Dasgupta, ``Connectivity distribution and attack tolerance of general networks with both preferential and random attachments'', Phys. Lett. A303,337-344 (2002)。 2001年: (28) Zonghua Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Frank C. Hoppensteadt, ``Phase clustering and transition to phase synchronization in a large number of coupled nonlinear oscillators'', Phys. Rev. E 63, 055201(4)(Rapid communications) (2001)。{本文被权威综述期刊Review Article Phys. Rep. 392, 321(2004) 与Phys. Rep. 424, 175(2006) 引用} (27) Zonghua Liu and Ying-Cheng Lai, ``Coherence resonance in coupled chaotic oscillators'', Phys. Rev. Lett.86, 4737-4740 (2001)。{本文被权威综述期刊Review Article Phys. Rep. 392, 321(2004)引用;被Review Article Rev. Mod. Phys. 79, 829(2007)评论} (26) Hu Bam-Bi, Liu Zong-Hua, and Zheng Zhi-Gang, ``Frequency-locking in coupled chaotic systems'', Commun. Theo. Phys. 35, 425-430 (2001)。 (25) Bambi Hu and Zonghua Liu, ``Resonance of nonlinear oscillators in external electric field'', Int. J. Bif. & Chaos11, 1461-1470 (2001)。 (24) Bambi Hu and Zonghua Liu, ``Synchronization of two coupled arrays'', Int. J. Bif. & Chaos11, 2255-2262 (2001)。 (23) Zonghua Liu and Bambi Hu, ``Phase clusters in 2-D arrays of nonidentical oscillators'', Int. J. Bif. & Chaos11, 3137-3143 (2001)。 (22) Ying-Cheng Lai and Zonghua Liu, ``Noise enhanced temporal regularity in coupled chaotic oscillators'', Phys. Rev. E64, 066202(9) (2001)。{本文被权威综述期刊Review Article Rev. Mod. Phys. 79, 829(2007) 引用} 2000年: (21) Wei Wang, Zonghua Liu, and Bambi Hu, ``Phase order in chaotic maps and in coupled map lattices'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2610-2613 (2000)。{本文被Astrophys Space Sci (2014) 352:83–94被评论} (20) Bambi Hu and Zonghua Liu, ``Phase synchronization of two-dimensional lattices of coupled chaotic maps'', Phys. Rev. E62, 2114-2118 (2000)。 1999年: (19) Zonghua Liu, Shigang Chen, and Bambi Hu, ``Coupled synchronization ofspatiotemporal chaos'', Phys. Rev. E 59, 2817-2821 (1999)。 (18) Zonghua Liu and Shigang Chen, ``Mutual synchronization of the coupled map lattices'', Chine. J. Compu. Phys. 16, 271-278 (1999)。 (17) Wei Li, Guangzhi Chen, and Zonghua Liu,``A modified periodic pulse method to control the chaos of conservative flow'', Acta Physica Sinica 48, 581-588 (1999).。 1998年: (16) Zonghua Liu and Shigang Chen, ``Driving signals induce synchronization'', Chin. Phys. Lett. 15, 398-400 (1998)。 (15) Zonghua Liu and Shigang Chen, ``Control of coupled standard map'', Int. J. Bif. & Chaos8, 1355-1362 (1998)。 (14) Zonghua Liu and Shigang Chen, ``Synchronization of hyperchaos'', Chine. J. Compu. Phys. 15, 429-434 (1998)。 1997年: (13) Zonghua Liu and Shigang Chen, ``Directing nonlinear dynamic systems to any desired orbit'', Phys. Rev. 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荣誉及奖励获1997年中国工程物理研究院北京研究生部科技创新奖 获1998年广西区教委科技进步一等奖 获1998年广西区科委科技进步三等奖 获2010中国数学力学物理学高新技术交叉研究学会第六届焦善庆MMPH研究奖 获2013年华东师大优秀研究生指导教师奖(硕导类) 获2015年1月beat365手机官方网站第一届优秀研究生教学奖 获2017年10月beat365手机官方网站教学成果奖一等奖 获2017年上海市教学成果奖二等奖:刘宗华、管曙光、邹勇、周杰,“混沌动力学与复杂网络 专业课程体系的构建与教学实践” 获2018年度beat365手机官方网站科学技术奖一等奖 获2019年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学)二等奖:刘宗华、管曙光、邹勇、周杰, “复杂网络上的动力学相变研究” 获2020年度beat365手机官方网站优秀指导教师奖 获beat365手机官方网站2021年研究生教育卓越育人奖(优秀研究生导师奖) 获beat365手机官方网站2023年研究生教育卓越育人奖(优秀研究生导师奖) 指导的学生获奖: 唐明获2008年beat365手机官方网站第三届“学生科技之星”(全校共10名学生获奖)、2009年第五届全国复杂网络学术会议最佳学生论文奖、及2008上海市优秀硕士毕业生。 阮中远获2011年上海大学运筹学与控制论博士生论坛复杂网络动力学小组的论文一等奖与2012年第八届全国复杂网络学术会议最佳学生论文奖。 张希昀获2013年九届全国复杂网络学术会议最佳学生论文奖与2016年上海市优秀博士毕业生。 林诏华获2020年博士生能达奖学金、2020年第十六届全国复杂网络学术会议最佳学生论文奖一等奖、2021年上海市优秀博士毕业生、2021年beat365手机官方网站优秀博士学位论文。 霍思宇获2020年林岛第 70 届诺贝尔奖获得者大会参会者选拔与beat365手机官方网站2021年优秀博士生学术创新能力提升计划,2022年上海市超级博后。 康玲获2022年beat365手机官方网站优秀博士学位论文,2023年上海市超级博后。 吴天威获2022上海市优秀毕业生及2022华东师大优秀硕士学位论文。 |