教育经历2007.09.—2012.07 复旦大学 物理系光学专业 硕士&博士 2002.09.—2006.07 上海大学 物理系光电子专业 学士 工作经历2015.09.—至今 beat365手机官方网站 精密光谱实验室 紫江学者 2014.05.—2015.08 美国密西根州立大学大学 博士后 2012.07.—2014.05 复旦大学 物理系 助理研究员
个人简介主要从事微纳光学和量子调控领域的实验研究工作,研究方向包括微纳光学结构集体量子行为及调控技术、超快光学编码和光子集成芯片、低维和表界面体系的光谱及超快时间动力学等。近年来以通讯作者/第一作者在 Phys. Rev. Lett..、 PNAS、 Nat. Commun、 Light Sci. Appl.、 Optica、 Laser Photonics Rev. 等国际一流学术刊物发表SCI论文40余篇。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金和科技部科研项目。 社会兼职研究方向从事微纳结构光学性质及光子集成芯片方向的实验研究工作
利用微纳结构与低维材料获得新颖、可控的光学效应是当今物理研究和科技应用的热门领域之一。实验上我们利用微纳加工及微区自组装技术,制备高质量微结构样品和光电器件原型。结合已搭建的多维度光学探测平台(角度分辨荧光光谱、发光动力学测量、光斑形状调控-微区探测、低温-磁场-电场等外场环境辅助等),研究半导体光学微腔和微纳周期结构中光-物质作用和宏观量子行为的相干调控;我们将量子调控与微纳光子学、量子光学与量子材料相融合,开拓基于相干操控的元激发粒子-微纳光子混合体系及相关量子器件的新方向,开发其在光电集成微芯片等方面的潜在应用。 方向1:微纳光学结构中的多体量子行为及调控技术 量子点超晶格中的腔增强超荧光效应:融合传统激光和超辐射效应,在微纳尺度首次实现腔增强超荧光集体辐射。将量子点团簇中激子系综的辐射速率提高三个数量级。[Nat. Commun., 11, 329 (2020). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-14078-1.] 方向2:超快光信息编码和光子集成芯片 单个纳米球演示太赫兹高带宽光学编码:基于单个钙钛矿纳米球光学激射实现的多参量关联超快编码,可调带宽高达0.2 THz。将钙钛矿的应用领域从光学储能材料拓展到信息编码器件。 [Laser & Photonics Reviews, 1900398 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/lpor.201900398. Light: Science & Applications, 10: 60 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41377-021-00508-7.] 方向3:半导体微纳结构多维光谱及超快时间动力学 半导体量子阱准费米面处的光-物质集体相干行为及其动力学演化:将半导体光学领域相干凝聚的存在范围首次拓展到电子-空穴等离子体相。揭示等离子体凝聚团间的关联机理,发展动态相位调控技术。 [Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 157402 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.157402. Optica, vol.3, no.12, (2016). https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.3.001477.] 学生招生及毕业去向
本课题组在读博士生5 名、硕士生4 名。毕业博士生2名(就业于山西省中北大学大学、杭州市高研院)、硕士生4名(就业于beat365手机官方网站、西安第七中学、苏州教育文体委等单位)。 招生与培养开授课程《半导体光谱和光学性质》、《量子测量原理与技术》、《物理实验(一)》、《力学》等 科研项目主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目。参与多项国家科技部科研项目。 学术成果2021年科研论文: 1. “Ultrastable low-cost colloidal quantum dot microlasers of operative temperature up to 450 K”, Hao Chang, Yichi Zhong, Hongxing Dong*, Zhenyu Wang, Wei Xie*, Anlian Pan, Long Zhang*, Light: Science & Applications, 10: 60 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41377-021-00508-7 2020年科研论文: 1. “Room-temperature Macroscopic Coherence of Two Electron-hole Plasmas in a Microcavity”, Qi Jie, Keye Zhang, Chih-Wei Lai, Feng-Kuo Hsu, Weiping Zhang*, Song Luo, Yi-Shan Lee, Sheng-Di Lin, Zhanghai Chen and Wei Xie*, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 157402 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.157402 2. “Cooperative excitonic quantum ensemble in perovskite-assembly superlattice microcavities”, Chun Zhou+, Yichi Zhong+, Hongxing Dong*, Weihao Zheng, Jiqing Tan, Qi Jie, Anlian Pan, Long Zhang* and Wei Xie*, Nat. Commun., 11, 329, (2020). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-14078-1 3. “All-Photonic Miniature Perovskite Encoder with a Terahertz Bandwidth”, Yichi Zhong; Bing Tang; Meng Fei; Qi Jie; Jiqing Tan; Qiangqiang Wang; Shuang Liang; Junjie Du; Long Zhang; Hongxing Dong* and Wei Xie*, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 1900398, (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/lpor.201900398 4. “Linearly polarized lasing based on coupled perovskite microspheres”, Beier Zhou+, Yichi Zhong+, Mingming Jiang, Jianhao Zhang, Hongxing Dong*, Linqi Chen, Hao Wu, Wei Xie* and Long Zhang*, Nanoscale, 12, 5805 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1039/C9NR09259E 2019年科研论文: 1. “Highly linear polarized photoluminescence from a rippled WSe2 monolayer”, Bilin Li, Zhongqi Ren, Ni Zhong, and Wei Xie*, Optics Express, vol.27, no.9, (2019) 2018年及以前的科研论文: 1. “Multiple-pulse microcavity lasing from an optically induced confinement”, Wei Xie, Feng-Kuo Hsu, Yi-Shan Lee, Sheng-Di Lin, ChihWei Lai*, Optica, vol.3, no.12, (2016) 2. “Weak lasing in one-dimensional polariton superlattices”, Long Zhang+, Wei Xie+, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), vol.112, no.13, (2015) 3. “Room-temperature polariton parametric scattering driven by a one-dimensional polariton condensate”, Wei Xie, Hongxing Dong, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 166401 (2012) 4. “Exciton-polariton condensate induced by evaporative cooling in a three-dimensionally confined microcavity”, Jian Wang, Wei Xie*, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Phys. Rev. B, vol.91, 165423 (2015) 5. “Room-temperature polariton waveguide effect in a ZnO microwire”, Yanjing Ling, Wei Xie*, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Appl. Phys. Express, 8 031102 (2015) 6. “Linearly Polarized Remote-Edge Luminescence in GaSe Nanoslabs”, Yanhao Tang, Wei Xie, John A. McGuire, and C. W. Lai *, Phys. Rev. Applied, 4, 034008 (2015) 7. “Ultrafast spin-polarized lasing in a highly photoexcited semiconductor microcavity at room temperature”, Feng-Kuo Hsu, Wei Xie, Yi-Shan Lee, Sheng-Di Lin, ChihWei Lai*., Phys. Rev. B, 91, 195312 (2015) 8. “Optical and spin polarization dynamics in GaSe nanoslabs”, Yanhao Tang, Wei Xie, Krishna C. Mandal, John A. McGuire, and C. W. Lai *, Phys. Rev. B, 91, 195429 (2015) 9. “Coherent scattering of exciton polaritons and acoustic phonons in a ZnO single crystal”, Wenhui Liu, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Phys. Rev. B, 89, 201201(R) (2014) 10. “Transient dual-energy lasing in a semiconductor microcavity”, Feng-Kuo Hsu, Wei Xie, Yi-Shan Lee, Sheng-Di Lin, ChihWei Lai*, Sci. Rep. 5, 15347 (2015) 11. “Robust exciton-polariton effect in a ZnO whispering gallery microcavity at high temperature”, Saifeng Zhang, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 101912 (2012) 12. “Angle-Dependent Resonant Light Absorption of Polariton States in One-Dimensional ZnO Microcavities”, Wenhui Liu, Dan Xu, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Appl. Phys. Express, 6, 091101 (2013) 13. “Strong bound exciton-photon coupling in ZnO whispering gallery microcavity”, Liaoxin Sun, Hongxin Dong, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Optics Express, 21, 030227 (2013) 14. “Spin-Resolved Purcell Effect in a Quantum Dot Microcavity System”, Ren, QJ, Lu, J, Tan, HH, Wu, S, Sun, LX, Zhou, WH, Wei Xie, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Nano Letters, 12, 3008083 (2012) 15. “Indium oxide octahedra optical microcavities”, Hongxin Dong, Liaoxin Sun, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 223114 (2010) 16. “Polariton lasing of quasi-whispering gallery modes in a ZnO microwire”, Duan, Qingqing; Xu, Dan; Liu, Wenhui; Lu, Jian; Zhang, Long; Wang, Jian; Wang, Yinglei; Gu, Jie; Hu, Tao; Xie, Wei; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, Zhanghai, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 2, (2013) 17. “One-dimensional ZnO exciton polaritons with negligible thermal broadening at room temperature”, Trichet, A.; Sun, L.; Pavlovic, G.; Gippius, N. A.; Malpuech, G.; Xie, W.; Chen, Z.; Richard, M.; Dang, Le Si, Phys. Rev. B, 83, 4 (2011) 18. “Single-crystalline polyhedral In2O3 vertical Fabry-Perot resonators”, Dong, Hongxing; Sun, Shulin; Sun, Liaoxin; Xie, Wei; Zhou, Lei; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, Zhanghai, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 1, (2011) 19. “Facile Synthesis and Ultraviolet Lasing Properties a ZnO Microtubes”, Dong, Hongxing; Sun, Liaoxin; Xie, Wei; Zhou, Weihang; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, Zhanghai*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 41: 17369~17373, (2010) 20. “Quasi-whispering gallery modes of exciton-polaritons in a ZnO microrod”, Liaoxin Sun, Hongxin Dong, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Optics Express, 18, 015371 (2010) 荣誉及奖励 |